QoreUltima™ allows you to manage both objects from the digital world (electronic documents, processes, etc.) and physical inventories (containers, files, archives, works of art, objects, people, etc.).
More than fifty types of diversified inventories have been developed to allow you to fully manage your information assets. The heart of the solution being the flexibility of the platform allowing you a management in a standardized way while being flexible on the capacity of the solution to adapt to your organizational particularities.
We offer the management of more than 50 diversified and versatile inventory models, enabling you to customize the solution according to your specific needs and industry.
Advanced RM (Record Management) lifecycle model that oversees the entire lifecycle of your records from creation, classification, maintenance, retention, storage, to final disposition, while complying with the laws and regulations applicable to your organization.
QoreUltima offers robust semantic research capabilities (thesaurus, faceted semantic research and data mining) that give you quick access to the information you need.
REST API for interoperability between applications and various client systems, documents receipts, processing and storage, document and data distribution, and integration with M365
The wide variety of our customers/users demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of QoreUltima. QoreUltima is currently used by several government agencies, at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. School Service Boards, Universities, Colleges, Museums, Police Departments, as well as private companies have made it their number one choice.
QoreUltima consolidates your paper and digital documents into one powerful system. It includes a collaborative component for electronic documents as well as a complete system for physical management of warehouses, spaces, locations and physical circulation of documents.
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